define((require, exports, module) => { const Robot = require('Robot') const RobotTHREE = require('RobotTHREE') const RobotGui = require('Robot.Gui') const Target = require('Target') const TargetGui = require('Target.Gui') const gui = require('UiDat') const THREEView = require('THREEView') const storeManager = require('State') const ws = require('WorkingSpace') const Path = require('Path.Gui') const Kinematic = require('Kinematic') // const RemoteRobot = require('RemoteRobot') const logger = store => dispatch => (action, data) => {`ACTION ${action}`) console.log(`action: %c${action}`, 'color:green') console.log('data: ', data) console.log('%cstore before: ', 'color:orange', store.getState()) const newState = dispatch(action, data) console.log('%cnew state: ', 'color:green', newState) console.groupEnd() return newState } const mid = store => dispatch => (action, data) => { const oldState = store.getState() const oldStateCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldState)) const newState = dispatch(action, data) function compare(o, n, os) { for (const i of Object.keys(o).concat(Object.keys(n))) { if (typeof n[i] === 'undefined') { if (os === n) { console.warn('nooohohoohoh did not change state, bro!') console.warn('element was removed, but parent not changed') } } else if (typeof o[i] === 'undefined') { if (os === n) { console.warn('nooohohoohoh did not change state, bro!') console.warn('element was added, but parent not changed') } } else if (!!o[i] && typeof (o[i]) === 'object') { // console.log('aaaa') // compare(o[i], n[i], os[i]) } else { if (typeof n[i] === 'undefined' || o[i] !== n[i]) { // el deleted, or value not same // value has changed todo iter over newState (missing ones were deleted, dont matter. new ones dont matter either hm....) // new state cant be old state, if a child changed if (os === n) { console.warn('nooohohoohoh did not change state, bro!')`state ${action}`) console.log(`oldStateCopy: ${o[i]}`) console.log(`oldState: %c${os[i]}`, 'color: red') console.log(`newState: ${n[i]}`) console.groupEnd() } } // console.log(i, o[i] === n[i]) } } } compare(oldStateCopy, newState, oldState) return newState } storeManager.applyMiddleware(logger, mid) /* POLYFILL */ const reduce =, Array.prototype.reduce) const isEnumerable =, Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable) const concat =, Array.prototype.concat) const keys = Reflect.ownKeys if (!Object.values) { Object.values = function values(O) { return reduce(keys(O), (v, k) => concat(v, typeof k === 'string' && isEnumerable(O, k) ? [O[k]] : []), []) } } /* END POLYFILL */ class Hmi { constructor() { const maxAngleVelocity = 90.0 / (180.0 * Math.PI) / 1000.0 const store = storeManager.createStore('Hmi', {}) const scope = this /* THREEJS SCENE SETUP */ const { scene, renderer, camera, } = require('THREEScene') this.scene = scene this.renderer = renderer = camera /* END THREEJS SCENE SETUP */ /* DAT GUI */ const hmiGui = gui.addFolder('HMI') gui.remember(scope.state) const fun = { resetTargetAngles: () => { Robot.dispatch('ROBOT_CHANGE_ANGLES', { A0: 0, A1: 0, A2: 0, A3: 0, A4: 0, A5: 0, }) }, } hmiGui.add(fun, 'resetTargetAngles').onChange(() => { }) = false hmiGui.add(window.debug, 'show') /* CONNECT MODULES */ } } module.exports = Hmi })