define((require, exports, module) => { /** * thoughts: * - objects must not be added, items can only be added to arrays * - -> initial data is the schema * * store.listen([(state, getStore) => getStore('Robot').getState().angles]) // only acces other stores in the listen method * - only acces the state in the listen method and in actions * store.action('NAME', (state, data, getStore) => { * getStore('Robot').dispatch('SOME_ACTION', {data}) // do not get state from other stores? * }) * * - dispatching actions within actions may leed to false undo. Outer action causes inner action, so only outer action has to be called * - -> catch this case like InnerFunction = true * * - disable listeners, when applying undo - redo actions */ class Store { constructor(state, name, storeManager) { this.state = state = name this.storeManager = storeManager this.actions = {} this.listeners = {} this.listenerId = 1 } action(name, ...args) { if (this.actions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { console.warn(`action name in use: ${name}`) } let callback = args[0] // selector given if (args.length === 2) { const selector = args[0] const cb = args[1] callback = (state, data) => { const recursivelyAssignObjects = (object, selectedObj, newValue) => { if (object === selectedObj) { return newValue } for (const key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // key authors object book[0] if (object[key] === selectedObj) { return Object.assign({}, object, { [key]: newValue, }) } // key 0 object books if (Array.isArray(object[key]) || typeof (object[key]) === 'object') { const newObject = recursivelyAssignObjects(object[key], selectedObj, newValue) if (newObject) { return Object.assign({}, object, { [key]: newObject, }) } } } } return false } const selectedObj = selector(state) if (typeof selectedObj !== 'object') { console.warn(`Action selector must select an object! (${selectedObj}) selected`) } const newState = recursivelyAssignObjects(state, selectedObj, cb(selectedObj, data)) if (!newState) { console.warn('selector does not match any object', selector, state) } return newState } } this.actions[name] = callback } listen(...args) { let callback // selectros given if (args.length === 2) { const selects = args[0] const cb = args[1] const currentStates = [] for (const select of selects) { currentStates.push(select(this.state)) } const handleChange = (state) => { let changed = false for (const i in selects) { const newState = selects[i](state) if (newState !== currentStates[i]) { changed = true currentStates[i] = newState } } if (changed) { cb.apply(this, currentStates) } } callback = handleChange // execute cb once on init cb.apply(this, currentStates) } else { callback = args[0] } const id = this.listenerId++ this.listeners[id] = callback // call once to init. Default state is already set callback(this.state) return id } unsubscribe(id) { if (this.listeners[id]) { delete this.listeners[id] } else { console.warn(`Could not find listener for id: ${id}`) } } dispatch(action, data) { this.storeManager.notify(action, data,, this) } getState() { return this.state } getStore(storeName) { // console.log(`%cStore [${}] requesting data from [${storeName}]`, 'font-weight:bold') return this.storeManager.getStore(storeName) } } class StoreManager { constructor() { this.state = {} = this this.middlewares = [] this.stores = {} } getState() { return this.state } getStore(storeName) { return this.stores[storeName] } createStore(name, defaultState) { this.state[name] = defaultState if (this.stores[name]) { console.error(`store ${name} already exists`) } const store = new Store(this.state[name], name, this) this.stores[name] = store return store } removeStore(name) { if (!this.stores[name]) { console.warn(`cannot find store with name: ${name}`) } else { delete this.stores[name] } } notify(action, data, name, store) { const newState = this.runMiddleware(action, data, store) this.state = Object.assign({}, this.state, { [name]: newState, }) store.state = this.state[name] // call listeners for (const storeId in this.stores) { if (this.stores[storeId]) { for (const id in this.stores[storeId].listeners) { if (this.stores[storeId].listeners[id]) { this.stores[storeId].listeners[id](this.stores[storeId].state) } } } } // todo check if state was changed in listeners } runMiddleware(action, data, store) { // cant prechain the middleware, sonce the scope of getStae is matching the local store const middlewareAPI = { getState: store.getState.bind(store), getGlobalState: this.getState.bind(this), dispatch: (action, data) => store.dispatch(action, data), // allow for further dispatches in middleware //todo check this if we need to bind } // mid1,mid2,mid3 const chain = => middleware(middlewareAPI)) // mid1(mid2(mid3(dispatch))(name, data) function executeAction(name, data) { if (!this.actions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { console.warn(`action not found: ${name}`) } return this.actions[name](this.state, data) } // mid1,mid2,mid3,dispatch // (prev, current) (mid3, dispatch) const runMiddleware = [...chain, executeAction.bind(store)].reduceRight((composed, f) => f(composed)) return runMiddleware(action, data) } applyMiddleware(...middlewares) { this.middlewares = [...this.middlewares, ...middlewares] } } const storeManager = new StoreManager() module.exports = storeManager }) // s.commit('CHANGE_CONTROL_MODE', mode, (state, data) => { // return [ // ...state, { // controlMode: data, // }, // ] // }) // // global state (app state) // GlobalDataDomain.setMode(mode) // // function onChange(store, select, onChange) { // let currentState; // // function handleChange() { // let nextState = select(store.getState()); // if (nextState !== currentState) { // currentState = nextState; // onChange(currentState); // } // } // // let unsubscribe = store.subscribe(handleChange); // handleChange(); // return unsubscribe; // } // // store.onChange(store, [state, Module.getState(), Module.getClicked()](state) => { // // })