define((require, exports, module) => { const storeManager = require('State') const robotStore = require('Robot') const io = require('/') const gui = require('UiDat') /** * + state per module * + render on state changed * + get state from other modules * * --- onStore update render --- * get data From other stores * - store might not have changed, so no update */ const defaultState = { sendData: false, sendDataInterval: 4000, selectedUSBDevice: 'None', remoteStatus: 'unknown', USBDevices: [], } const store = storeManager.createStore('RemoteRobot', defaultState) store.action('CHANGE_SEND_DATA', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { sendData: data, })) store.action('CHANGE_SEND_DATA_INTERVAL', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { sendDataInterval: data, })) store.action('SET_AVAILABLE_USB_DEVICES', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { USBDevices: data, })) store.action('SELECT_USB_DEVICE', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { selectedUSBDevice: data, })) store.action('CHANGE_REMOTE_STATUS', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { remoteStatus: data, })) const remoteRobotGui = gui.addFolder('RemoteRobot') const guiHelper = Object.assign({}, defaultState) let addedDropdownGui = false store.listen((state) => { guiHelper.sendData = state.sendData guiHelper.sendDataInterval = state.sendDataInterval guiHelper.selectedUSBDevice = state.selectedUSBDevice guiHelper.remoteStatus = state.remoteStatus guiHelper.USBDevices = state.USBDevices if (state.USBDevices[0] && !addedDropdownGui) { addedDropdownGui = true // add the gui after the dropdoenlist is available, since its content cant be changed remoteRobotGui.add(guiHelper, 'selectedUSBDevice', guiHelper.USBDevices).onChange(() => { console.log(guiHelper.selectedUSBDevice) store.dispatch('SELECT_USB_DEVICE', guiHelper.selectedUSBDevice) socket.emit('connectToPort', { port: guiHelper.selectedUSBDevice, }, (result) => { // doto only if successfull store.dispatch('CHANGE_REMOTE_STATUS', 'portOpen') console.log(`connected: ${result}`) }) }) } // Iterate over all controllers for (const i in remoteRobotGui.__controllers) { remoteRobotGui.__controllers[i].updateDisplay() // console.log('update') } }) // REMOTE ROBOT const socket = io() const setupComplete = false const ports = [] remoteRobotGui.add(guiHelper, 'remoteStatus') remoteRobotGui.add(guiHelper, 'sendDataInterval').onChange(() => { store.dispatch('CHANGE_SEND_DATA_INTERVAL', guiHelper.sendDataInterval) }) let interval remoteRobotGui.add(guiHelper, 'sendData').onChange(() => { if (store.getState().remoteStatus === 'portOpen') { store.dispatch('CHANGE_SEND_DATA', guiHelper.sendData) if (store.getState().sendData) { interval = setInterval(() => { const outOfBound = robotStore.getState().jointOutOfBound.reduce((previous, current) => previous || current, false) if (!outOfBound) { socket.emit('write', { port: store.getState().selectedUSBDevice, message: `M00 V0 R0 ${(robotStore.getState().angles.A0 / Math.PI * 180).toFixed(3)} ` + `R1 ${(robotStore.getState().angles.A1 / Math.PI * 180).toFixed(3)} ` + `R2 ${(robotStore.getState().angles.A2 / Math.PI * 180).toFixed(3)} ` + `R3 ${(robotStore.getState().angles.A3 / Math.PI * 180).toFixed(3)} ` + `R4 ${(robotStore.getState().angles.A4 / Math.PI * 180).toFixed(3)} ` + `R5 ${(robotStore.getState().angles.A5 / Math.PI * 180).toFixed(3)} \r`, }, (res) => { console.log(res) }) } }, store.getState().sendDataInterval) } else { clearInterval(interval) } } }) socket.emit('getPortList', {}, (ports) => { console.log(ports) store.dispatch('SET_AVAILABLE_USB_DEVICES', ports) const interval = null }) socket.on('data', (data) => { console.log(data) // todo // this.Robot.setAngles([20, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) }) socket.on('portStatusChanged', (data) => { store.dispatch('CHANGE_REMOTE_STATUS', data.status) }) /* END DAT GUI */ /* INIT MODULES */ // this.Robot = new Robot(this.state, this.scene) // this.RobotTHREE = new RobotTHREE(this.state, this.scene) // this.Robot.setVisible(this.state.showRobot) // this.Target = new Target(this.state, this.scene,, this.renderer, this.cameraControls) // remote robot // const geometryArray = Object.values(this.state.Robot.geometry).map(val => [val.x, val.y, val.z]) // const jointLimitsArray = Object.values(this.state.Robot.jointLimits) // // this.THREERemoteRobot = new THREE.Group() // this.THREERemoteRobot.visible = scope.state.showRemoteRobot // this.scene.add(this.THREERemoteRobot) // this.RemoteRobot = new THREERobot(geometryArray, jointLimitsArray, this.THREERemoteRobot) /* END INIT MODULES */ module.exports = store })