define((require, exports, module) => { const storeManager = require('State') const gui = require('UiDat') const Kinematic = require('Kinematic') const { scene, } = require('THREEScene') const robotStore = require('Robot') const workingSpaceStore = storeManager.createStore('WorkingSpace', { step: 5.0, directions: [{ rx: 0, ry: 0, rz: -Math.PI / 2, color: 0x00ff00, }, { rx: Math.PI, ry: 0, rz: 0, color: 0xff0000, }, { rx: 0, ry: Math.PI / 2, rz: 0, color: 0x0000ff, }], show: false, }) workingSpaceStore.action('CHANGE_STEP', (state, step) => Object.assign({}, state, { step, }), ) workingSpaceStore.action('ADD_POSE_TO_EULER', state => state.directions, (directions, pose) => [...directions, pose]) workingSpaceStore.action('REMOVE_POSES', state => state.directions, (directions, pose) => []) workingSpaceStore.action('CHANGE_VISIBILITY', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { show: data, })) const guiHelper = { step: 5.0, directions: [{ rx: 0, ry: 0, rz: -Math.PI / 2, color: 0x00ff00, }, { rx: Math.PI, ry: 0, rz: 0, color: 0xff0000, }, { rx: 0, ry: Math.PI / 2, rz: 0, color: 0x0000ff, }], show: false, } const THREEGroup = new THREE.Group() scene.add(THREEGroup) robotStore.listen([() => workingSpaceStore.getState(), state => state.jointLimits, state => state.geometry], (state, jointLimits, geometry) => { // gui guiHelper.step = state.step // romove all children before adding new ones while (THREEGroup.children.length) { THREEGroup.remove(THREEGroup.children[0]) } if ( { // debugger const geo = Object.values(geometry).map((val, i, array) => [val.x, val.y, val.z]) const IK = new Kinematic(geo, [ // todo remove when using new ik [-360, 360], [-360, 360], [-360, 360], [-360, 360], [-360, 360], [-360, 360], [-360, 360], ]) const step = state.step const euler = state.directions const THREEgeo = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) for (let j = 0; j < euler.length; j++) { const { rx, ry, rz, color, } = euler[j] const size = 1.5 const transparent = true const opacity = 0.9 const vertexColors = false const sizeAttenuation = true const rotateSystem = false const geom = new THREE.Geometry() const material = new THREE.PointCloudMaterial({ size, transparent, opacity, vertexColors, sizeAttenuation, color, }) let i = 0 let goOn = 8 while (goOn > 0) { i += step goOn-- for (let x = -i; x <= i; x += step) { for (let y = -i; y <= i; y += step) { for (let z = -i; z <= i; z += step) { // not at the boundary if (x < i && x > -i && y < i && y > -i && z < i && z > -i) continue const angles = [] IK.calculateAngles( x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, angles, ) let inReach = true Object.keys(jointLimits).forEach((key, i) => { const jl0 = jointLimits[key][0] const jl1 = jointLimits[key][1] if (isNaN(angles[i]) || jointLimits[key][0] > angles[i] || jointLimits[key][1] < angles[i]) { inReach = false } }) if (inReach) { goOn = 3 // continue n more layers if at least one point was in reach // const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ // color, // }) // const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(THREEgeo, material) // sphere.position.set(x + 0.1 * j, y + 0.1 * j, z + 0.1 * j) // THREEGroup.add(sphere) const particle = new THREE.Vector3(x + 0.2 * size * j, y + 0.2 * size * j, z + 0.2 * size * j) geom.vertices.push(particle) // console.log(particle) // var color = new THREE.Color(0x00ff00); // color.setHSL(color.getHSL().h, color.getHSL().s, color.getHSL().l); // geom.colors.push(color); } } } } } const cloud = new THREE.Points(geom, material) THREEGroup.add(cloud) } } }) const workingSpaceGUI = gui.addFolder('working space') workingSpaceGUI.add(guiHelper, 'show').onChange(() => { workingSpaceStore.dispatch('CHANGE_VISIBILITY', }) workingSpaceGUI.add(guiHelper, 'step').min(0.1).max(5).step(0.1).onChange(() => { workingSpaceStore.dispatch('CHANGE_STEP', guiHelper.step) }) const fun = { addPose() { }, clearPoses() { }, } workingSpaceGUI.add(fun, 'addPose').onChange(() => { workingSpaceStore.dispatch('ADD_POSE_TO_EULER', { rx: robotStore.getState().target.rotation.x, ry: robotStore.getState().target.rotation.y, rz: robotStore.getState().target.rotation.z, color: 0xffffff * (0.6 + 0.4 * Math.random()), // brighter colors }) }) workingSpaceGUI.add(fun, 'clearPoses').onChange(() => { workingSpaceStore.dispatch('REMOVE_POSES', {}) }) module.exports = function test() { console.log('todo') } }) // todo -> get rid of scene injection using require scene -> threerobot handles 3d view