define((require, exports, module) => { const assert = require('chai').assert const m = require('mocha') describe('State', () => { const storeManager = require('State') const logger = store => dispatch => (action, data) => {`ACTION ${action}`) console.log(`action: %c${action}`, 'color:green') console.log('data: ', data) console.log('%cstore before: ', 'color:orange', store.getState()) const newState = dispatch(action, data) console.log('%cnew state: ', 'color:green', newState) console.groupEnd() return newState } const mid = store => dispatch => (action, data) => { const oldState = store.getState() const oldStateCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldState)) const newState = dispatch(action, data) function compare(o, n, os) { for (const i of Object.keys(o).concat(Object.keys(n))) { if (!n[i]) { if (os === n) { console.warn('nooohohoohoh did not change state, bro!') console.warn('element was removed, but parent not changed') } } else if (!o[i]) { if (os === n) { console.warn('nooohohoohoh did not change state, bro!') console.warn('element was added, but parent not changed') } } else if (!!o[i] && typeof (o[i]) === 'object') { // console.log('aaaa') // compare(o[i], n[i], os[i]) } else { if (!n[i] || o[i] !== n[i]) { // el deleted, or value not same // value has changed todo iter over newState (missing ones were deleted, dont matter. new ones dont matter either hm....) // new state cant be old state, if a child changed if (os === n) { console.warn('nooohohoohoh did not change state, bro!')`state ${action}`) console.log(`oldStateCopy: ${o[i]}`) console.log(`oldState: %c${os[i]}`, 'color: red') console.log(`newState: ${n[i]}`) console.groupEnd() } } // console.log(i, o[i] === n[i]) } } } compare(oldStateCopy, newState, oldState) return newState } storeManager.applyMiddleware(logger, mid) const defaultData = { propA: 'A', propB: 'B', lvl1: { arr: [1, 2, 3], objArr: [{ a: 'a', b: 'b', }, { a: 1, b: 2, }], a: 1, b: 2, lvl2: { a: 3, b: 4, lvl3: { a: 5, b: 6, }, }, }, } let testStore beforeEach((done) => { storeManager.removeStore('test') testStore = storeManager.createStore('test', defaultData) done() }) describe('#createStore', () => { it('create a store', () => { assert.equal(testStore.getState(), defaultData) }) }) describe('#listen', () => { it('called with initial state when binding', () => { testStore.listen((state) => { assert.deepEqual(defaultData, state) }) }) it('listen to changes', () => { let calledTimes = 0 testStore.listen(() => { calledTimes++ }) testStore.action('change_state', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { propA: 'C', })) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) assert.equal(calledTimes, 2) }) it('called multiple times, when changes have the same value', () => { let calledTimes = 0 testStore.listen(() => { calledTimes++ }) testStore.action('change_state', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { propA: 'C', })) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) assert.equal(calledTimes, 4) }) it('called with new state', () => { let state = 0 testStore.listen((data) => { state = data }) testStore.action('change_state', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { propA: 'C', })) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) assert.notEqual(defaultData.propA, state.propA) assert.equal(state.propA, 'C') }) it('called with part of the state', () => { let state = 0 testStore.listen([state => state.lvl1.lvl2.lvl3], (lvl3) => { state = lvl3 }) testStore.action('change_state', state => state.lvl1.lvl2.lvl3, state => Object.assign({}, state, { a: 11, })) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) assert.equal(state.a, 11) assert.equal(state.b, 6) }) it('only called when state changes', () => { let calledTimesGlobalState = 0 let calledTimesLocalState = 0 testStore.listen([state => state.lvl1.lvl2.lvl3, state => state.lvl1, state => state], (lvl3, lvl1, state) => { calledTimesGlobalState++ }) testStore.listen([state => state.lvl1.lvl2.lvl3, state => state.lvl1], (lvl3, lvl1) => { calledTimesLocalState++ }) assert.equal(calledTimesGlobalState, 1) assert.equal(calledTimesLocalState, 1) testStore.action('change_state', state => state, state => Object.assign({}, state, { propA: 'B', })) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) assert.equal(calledTimesGlobalState, 2) assert.equal(calledTimesLocalState, 1) }) it('unsubscribe', () => { let calledTimes = 0 const unsubscribe = testStore.listen((state) => { calledTimes++ }) assert.equal(calledTimes, 1) testStore.action('change_state', state => state, state => Object.assign({}, state, { propA: 'B', })) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) assert.equal(calledTimes, 2) testStore.unsubscribe(unsubscribe) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) assert.equal(calledTimes, 2) }) it('call when child gets replaced', () => { let calledTimes = 0 let aProp const unsubscribe = testStore.listen([state => state.lvl1.a], (a) => { calledTimes++ aProp = a }) testStore.action('change_child_obj', state => Object.assign({}, state, { lvl1: { a: 'a', b: 'b', arr: [1, 2, 3], }, })) testStore.dispatch('change_child_obj') assert.equal(calledTimes, 2) assert.equal(aProp, 'a') assert.equal(testStore.getState().lvl1.a, 'a') }) }) describe('#dispatch', () => { it('dispatch action and change state', () => { const initialState = testStore.getState() testStore.action('change_state', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { propA: 'C', })) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) const newState = testStore.getState() assert.notEqual(initialState, newState) assert.notEqual(initialState.propA, newState.propA) testStore.dispatch('change_state', {}) const newState2 = testStore.getState() assert.notEqual(newState, newState2) assert.equal(newState.propA, newState2.propA) // same Value }) it('pass parameters', () => { const initialState = testStore.getState() testStore.action('change_propA', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { propA: data, })) testStore.dispatch('change_propA', 'B') const newState = testStore.getState() assert.equal(newState.propA, 'B') testStore.dispatch('change_propA', 'C') assert.equal(testStore.getState().propA, 'C') assert.equal(newState.propA, 'B') }) it('pass object', () => { const initialState = testStore.getState() testStore.action('change_propA_to_obj', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { propA: object, })) const object = { A: '2', B: 'c', } testStore.dispatch('change_propA_to_obj', object) const newState = testStore.getState() assert.equal(newState.propA, object) }) }) describe('#action', () => { it('change array element', () => { const initialState = testStore.getState() testStore.action('change_array_element', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { lvl1: Object.assign({}, state.lvl1, { t: 1, arr:, index) => { if (index === data) { return data } return el }), }), })) testStore.dispatch('change_array_element', 2) assert.equal(testStore.getState().lvl1.arr[2], 2) testStore.dispatch('change_array_element', 1) assert.equal(testStore.getState().lvl1.arr[1], 1) }) it('use state filters to change array element', () => { const initialState = testStore.getState() testStore.action('change_array_element_using_filter', state => state.lvl1.arr, (arr, data) =>, index) => { if (index === data) { return data } return el })) testStore.dispatch('change_array_element_using_filter', 2) assert.equal(testStore.getState().lvl1.arr[2], 2) testStore.dispatch('change_array_element_using_filter', 1) assert.equal(testStore.getState().lvl1.arr[1], 1) }) it('use state filters to change nested object', () => { const initialState = testStore.getState() testStore.action('change_nested_object_using_filter', state => state.lvl1.lvl2.lvl3, (lvl3, data) => Object.assign({}, lvl3, { c: 'C added', })) testStore.dispatch('change_nested_object_using_filter') assert.equal(testStore.getState().lvl1.lvl2.lvl3.c, 'C added') }) it('remove object from array', () => { assert.isDefined(testStore.getState().lvl1.objArr[1]) testStore.action('remove_object_from_array', state => state.lvl1.objArr, (objArr, data) => objArr.filter((el, index) => index === 1, )) testStore.dispatch('remove_object_from_array') assert.isUndefined(testStore.getState().lvl1.objArr[1]) }) it('remove lvl2 object ', () => { assert.isDefined(testStore.getState().lvl1.lvl2) testStore.action('remove_object', state => state.lvl1, (lvl1, data) => { const obj = Object.assign({}, lvl1) delete obj.lvl2 return obj }) testStore.dispatch('remove_object') assert.isUndefined(testStore.getState().lvl1.lvl2) }) it('add object', () => { assert.isUndefined(testStore.getState().newProp) testStore.action('add_object', state => state, (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { newProp: 'yea', })) testStore.dispatch('add_object') assert.isDefined(testStore.getState().newProp) assert.equal(testStore.getState().newProp, 'yea') }) it('change primitive propery using selector', () => { const oldState = testStore.getState() testStore.action('change_prop', state => state.propA, propA => 'B') testStore.dispatch('change_prop') assert.equal(oldState.propA, 'A') assert.equal(testStore.getState().propA, 'B') }) it('change child object', () => { const oldState = testStore.getState() testStore.action('change_child_obj', state => Object.assign({}, state, { lvl1: { a: 'a', b: 'b', arr: [1, 2, 3], }, })) testStore.dispatch('change_child_obj') assert.equal(oldState.lvl1.a, 1) assert.equal(testStore.getState().lvl1.a, 'a') }) }) describe('cross module communication', () => { it('communicate between stores', () => { const books = storeManager.createStore('books', [{ title: 'Don`t make me think', author: 'id1', uid: '321312', }, { title: 'Loriot`s Dramatische Werke', author: 'id2', uid: '1232133', }]) const authors = storeManager.createStore('authors', { selected: 'id2', list: { id1: { name: 'Steve Krug', }, id2: { name: 'Loriot', }, }, }) authors.action('change_name', state => state.list, (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { []: { name:, }, })) authors.action('change_selected', (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, { selected: data.selected, })) books.action('change_title', (state, data) =>, i) => { if (el.uid === data.uid) { return Object.assign({}, el, { title: data.title, }) } return el })) const getAuthorList = () => authors.getState().list books.listen([state => state, getAuthorList], (state, authors) => {'render') for (book of state) { console.log(`title:%c ${book.title}`, 'color: blue') console.log(`author:%c ${authors[].name}`, 'color: lightblue') } console.groupEnd() }) authors.dispatch('change_name', { id: 'id1', name: 'Steve', }) books.dispatch('change_title', { uid: '321312', title: 'Make me think!', }) authors.dispatch('change_selected', { selected: 'id1', }) }) }) }) module.exports = {} })