Tagger: Tag Replacement Tool ============================ Tagger is a versatile Java application designed to simplify the process of replacing tags within text content. It provides a user-friendly GUI that allows users to interactively replace tags in a structured manner. The application supports a wide range of features including tag extraction, tag comment retrieval, and advanced tag replacement options. Features -------- - Interactive GUI: Tagger offers an intuitive graphical user interface that allows users to seamlessly navigate and perform tag replacement operations. - Tag Extraction: The application intelligently extracts tags from the provided content, making it easy for users to identify and manage tags. - Tag Comment Retrieval: Tagger fetches tag comments associated with each tag, providing context to the user during the replacement process. - Advanced Tag Replacement: Users can replace tags with customized text, including the ability to handle nested tags and optional tag content. - Configuration Support: Tagger reads configuration settings from a JSON file, allowing users to easily customize database connections, table names, and more. - Save and Load Data: Users can save and load data, enabling seamless work sessions across different instances of the application. - Data Persistence: The application stores tag replacement history, allowing users to review and track previous tag replacements. - Error Handling: Tagger provides informative error messages and visual alerts, including an error message for failed database connections. - Version Control: The project maintains a comprehensive version history, making it easy to track changes and updates. Usage ----- 1. Launch the application. 2. Select the `mo_name` from the dropdown. 3. Click the "Process" button to begin the tag replacement process. 4. For each tag, the application presents a replacement dialog allowing the user to customize replacement text. 5. Optional: Users can save and load data using the provided buttons in the GUI. Getting Started --------------- 1. Clone this repository: shCopy code `git clone https://github.com/your-username/tagger.git` 2. Navigate to the project directory: shCopy code `cd tagger` 3. Build and run the application using your preferred Java IDE or command-line tools. For example, using the command-line: shCopy code `javac TagReplacementToolApp.java java TagReplacementToolApp` 4. Set Up the Database: Configure the database connection details in the `trtconfig.json` file. You may need to set up your preferred database system (e.g., MySQL) and create the necessary tables (e.g., TABLE1_NAME and TABLE2_NAME) before running the application. Configuration ------------- Configuration settings are stored in the `trtconfig.json` file. Modify this file to adjust database connections, table names, and other parameters. Contributing ------------ Contributions to this project are welcome. Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests. License ------- This project is licensed under the [MIT License](https://chat.openai.com/c/LICENSE).