set "SQL_FILE_URL=" echo Waiting for MariaDB to start... timeout /t 1 /nobreak cd mariadb-11.4.0-winx64/bin REM Run SQL commands using mysql command-line tool mysql -u root -p1234qwer -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS shortener;" REM Download SQL file curl -LJO "%SQL_FILE_URL%" REM Run the SQL script mysql -u root -p1234qwer < create.sql mysql -u root -p1234qwer -e "SHOW DATABASES;" mysql -u root -p1234qwer -e "USE shortener" mysql -u root -p1234qwer -e "SELECT * FROM shortener;" REM Optionally, remove the downloaded SQL file del create.sql echo Deployed Successfully... start "" http://localhost:8080 exit /b 0