## PulseBridge Gateway Server [![buddy pipeline](https://app.buddy.works/amitnandileo-2/pulsebridge-gateway/pipelines/pipeline/485432/badge.svg?token=fb16d4ceb25aaee899aeebeb8f9d57239dd800defc2afb65a0176c36d32bd464 "buddy pipeline")](https://app.buddy.works/amitnandileo-2/pulsebridge-gateway/pipelines/pipeline/485432) Welcome to the PulseBridge Gateway Server repository! This server acts as an SMS Gateway powered by the PulseBridge library.The PulseBridge Gateway Server is a powerful SMS Gateway software that allows you to send SMS messages seamlessly. Whether you're looking to integrate SMS functionality into your web applications or send messages from a centralized server, PulseBridge Gateway makes the process efficient and straightforward. ## Table of Contents * [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Building and Running Locally](#building-and-running-locally) * [Running with Docker Compose](#running-with-docker-compose) * [Manually Spinning Up Your Own Image](#manually-spinning-up-your-own-image) * [Licecnse](#license) * [Contribution](#contribution) ## Getting Started Follow these three simple steps to get started with PulseBridge Gateway: 1. **Run PulseBridge Gateway Server App and click `setup credentials` button. Clone the repository, install dependencies, and run the server locally or using Docker Compose using the below instructions.[Building and Running Locally](#building-and-running-locally) 2. [**Download**](https://app.download#) **PulseBridge Mobile App and set the URL in app provided by the server.** 3. **Send SMS from the Server Frontend or API** With the PulseBridge Gateway Server running, access the user-friendly interface at [http://localhost](http://localhost/) to send SMS messages. Alternatively, integrate the SMS functionality into your applications using the provided API. ## Building and Running Locally 1. **Clone the Repository:** ```plaintext git clone https://github.com/aamitn/pulsebridge-gateway.git cd pulsebridge-gateway ``` 2. **Install Dependencies:** `*install composer from instructions here :` [`Composer (getcomposer.org)`](https://getcomposer.org/download/) ```plaintext composer install ``` 3. **Run the Server: \[run the dev server or copy the directory contents to web server of your choice\]** ```plaintext php -S localhost:8000 -t public ``` ## Running with Docker Compose * run command from the project root directory 1. **Run the Container:** ```plaintext docker-compose up -d ``` ## Build your own docker image 1. **Build the Docker Image::** ```plaintext docker build -t pulsebridge-gateway . ``` 2. **Run the Docker Container:** ```plaintext docker run -p 80:80 --name pulsebridge-gateway pulsebridge-gateway ``` ## **License** This project is licensed under the [MIT License](https://chat.openai.com/c/LICENSE).   ## **Contributions** Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to PulseBridge Gateway, please follow our [Contribution Guidelines](https://chat.openai.com/c/CONTRIBUTING.md). Fork the repository and create your branch: 1. bashCopy code `git clone https://github.com/aamitn/pulsebridge-gateway.git cd pulsebridge-gateway git checkout -b feature/your-feature` 2. Make your changes and commit them: bashCopy code `git add . git commit -m "Add your feature"` 3. Push to your fork and submit a pull request. 4. Follow the code review process. 5. Your contribution will be merged once approved.