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<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><style>#header + #content > #left > #rlblock_left,
#content > #right > .dose > .dosesingle,
#content > #center > .dose > .dosesingle
{display:none !important;}</style><style>img[src="http://s05.flagcounter.com/count/pTvk/bg=FFFFFF/txt=000000/border=CCCCCC/columns=6/maxflags=36/viewers=0/labels=0/"]
{display:none !important;}</style></head><body><h1>MOSFET Beta</h1>
We use a parameter called "beta" to describe the behavior of a MOSFET. The default value is small (20m), which is appropriate for a signal MOSFET. To simulate
a power MOSFET, use a larger value like 80.
This worksheet will calculate the value of beta for a particular MOSFET, given Rds(on).
function units(x) {
x = x.trim();
if (x.match(/m$/)) {
x = x.replace(/m$/, "");
return .001 * x;
// don't think we need this but you never know
if (x.match(/u$/)) {
x = x.replace(/u$/, "");
return 1e-6 * x;
return x;
function calc() {
var rds = units(document.getElementById('rds').value);
var vgs = units(document.getElementById('vgs').value);
var vt = units(document.getElementById('vt').value);
var beta = Math.abs(1/(rds*(vgs-vt)));
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = "beta = " + beta;
<form action="/action_page.php">
Rds(on) (Ω): <input type="text" id="rds" oninput="calc()"><br>
Vgs (V): <input type="text" id="vgs" oninput="calc()"><br>
Threshold (V): <input type="text" id="vt" oninput="calc()"><br>
<div id="result">