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This THREEx helper provide various basic functions for THREE.Geometry. It is able to scale, translate, center a geometry. Other functions may be added soon. The API is chained for convenience.


To make the geometry twice larger in y

var scale = new THREE.Vector3(1,2,1); THREEx.GeometryUtils.scale(geometry, scale);


To make the geometry move 100 further in x

var translation = new THREE.Vector3(100,0,0); THREEx.GeometryUtils.translate(geometry, translation);


To center the geometry on its middle point



To compute the middle point of a geometry



/** @namespace */
var THREEx		= THREEx 		|| {};
THREEx.GeometryUtils	= THREEx.GeometryUtils	|| {};

TODO - chained API - possibility a matrix to reduce computation ?

 * Change the scale of a geometry
 * @params {THREE.Geometry} geometry the geometry to compute on
 * @params {THREE.Vector3} scale the middlepoint of the geometry
THREEx.GeometryUtils.scale	= function(geometry, scale)

change all geometry.vertices

	for(var i = 0; i < geometry.vertices.length; i++) {
		var vertex	= geometry.vertices[i];

mark the vertices as dirty

	geometry.__dirtyVertices = true;

return this, to get chained API

	return this;

THREEx.GeometryUtils.translate	= function(geometry, delta)

change all geometry.vertices

	for(var i = 0; i < geometry.vertices.length; i++) {
		var vertex	= geometry.vertices[i];

mark the vertices as dirty

	geometry.__dirtyVertices = true;

return this, to get chained API

	return this;

 * Compute the "middlePoint" aka the point at the middle of the boundingBox
 * @params {THREE.Geometry} the geometry to compute on
 * @returns {THREE.Vector3} the middlepoint of the geometry
THREEx.GeometryUtils.middlePoint	= function(geometry)

compute bounding box


compute middle

	var middle	= new THREE.Vector3()
	middle.x	= ( geometry.boundingBox.x[ 1 ] + geometry.boundingBox.x[ 0 ] ) / 2;
	middle.y	= ( geometry.boundingBox.y[ 1 ] + geometry.boundingBox.y[ 0 ] ) / 2;
	middle.z	= ( geometry.boundingBox.z[ 1 ] + geometry.boundingBox.z[ 0 ] ) / 2;

return the just computed middle

	return middle;

 * Center the geometry on its middlepoint
THREEx.GeometryUtils.center	= function(geometry, noX, noY, noZ)

compute delta

	var delta	= this.middlePoint(geometry).negate();
	if( noX )	delta.x	= 0;
	if( noY )	delta.y	= 0;
	if( noZ )	delta.z	= 0;

	return this.translate(geometry, delta)

 * Initial version of attachement
 * - geometry2 is the one which is moved
 * - TODO make something more flexible... especially on the attachement config
THREEx.GeometryUtils.attachRightLeft	= function(geometry1, geometry2, delta)
	if( delta === undefined )	delta	= 0;

compute bounding box

	var maxX1	= geometry1.boundingBox.x[ 1 ]
	var minX2	= geometry2.boundingBox.x[ 0 ];

	var vector	= new THREE.Vector3();
	vector.x	= maxX1+ (-minX2) + delta;

	this.translate(geometry2, vector);
	return this;